Spider Herbs Market DAYs
Spider Herbs will be at the Fredonia Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings when she is not doing shows. (See Spider's Schedule page) From mid May through October, the market will be at the square downtown Fredonia from 9-1. After the end of October, the market relocates to the Masonic Lodge, Main Street in Fredonia, from 10-1.
In summer, from June to October, Spider Herbs is at the Forrestville Farm Market, Rt 2o, Thursday mornings from 9-1.
Spider Herbs is also available at Lady of the Lake store, Main Street, Fredonia. If you are local, you can contact us to order and then pick it up at the store or one of the markets. We look forward to sharing this year's herbal bounty with you. If you need to reach us for questions, spiderherbs@gmail.com
The Standing Nation gives their gifts of nourishment and healing through the plants and trees that grow all around us. Each one of the plants and trees, beautiful flowers and weeds, carry the rhythm of MotherEarth. If we sit and listen to their songs, we can learn how to live in harmony with All Our Relations on the planet.
Healing happens when body, mind and spirit are balanced and personal harmony is maintained. Plants assist us by aligning our energy with the Earth’s vibration in the way that is needed at a particular time. Plant medicine is gentle, nourishing and restorative. The more natural choices we make, the better we can maintain a healthy personal rhythm. There is a plant to heal every physical and emotional problem. The most beneficial for you are plants that grow in the area surrounding where you live.
We are what we eat. Everything that we put into our bodies becomes a part of who we are. Our physical health reflects our dietary choices. Our mental health depends on natural nourishment to support clear thinking. Our emotions respond to the energy of food and healing plants. It’s quite simple, we eat natural foods, use natural ways of healing, keep body, mind and spirit balanced, and then we feel great!
We don’t stop to think about it, but everything that we put on our skin also eventually affects our physical health and mental well being. Beauty is not only skin deep, beauty is the condition that reflects how centered you are within the natural rhythms of the Earth. Plants have gifts that keep our skin healthy and allow our energy to glow. Our ancestors knew of these uses for plants. You may have heard old grandmothers talk about a ‘peaches and cream’ complexion. They used a mixture of fruit and cream, or honey, to cleanse and moisturize their faces. Ask any older person what they did years ago when they had a cold and they will tell you that they used a steam to break up congestion. Before the popularity of our modern allopathic medicine, the people met their needs by using plants. Certain plants were used for easing aches and pains, soothing bruises, repelling insects, and making creams and hair rinses. Every home had dried herbs and favorite recipes.
Each plant has special energy to share with us and every part of the plant has unique energy. Through the flower essences, we are able to use the most concentrated energy vibration of the plant. Flower essences are made by gently infusing water with the energy of the flower. It is not necessary to cut the flower from the plant to infuse its essence. Other energies, such as sunlight, moonlight, wind, bees buzzing and birdsong also find their way into the infusion, so each flower remedy, even if it is from the same plant, will have a slightly different tone. Flower remedies speak to our spirits, affecting subtle changes in our energy vibration, moods and ability to cope with stress.
Although I occasionally use Bach flower remedies, I make most of my own flower remedies from plants that invite me to use them. Some of my favorites are the violet that offers ‘pure joy’, hawthorn flowers that suggest ‘peace of mind’, dandelion made on the beehives that ‘energizes and allows us to focus’ and comfrey that ‘regenerates and rebuilds on physical, mental and emotional levels’. I use flower remedies in many of my herbal preparations to include energy from the whole plant and extend the affects of the preparation. For example, including comfrey flower remedy in the Green Salve amplifies the affects of the salve. The comfrey leaf infusion works on healing the skin while the comfrey flower essence is soothing and healing both physically and energeticaly, allowing the medicine of the slave to work on all levels.
Most of my preparations begin with herbal infusions in oil. Sometimes I use herbal tinctures, more concentrated herbal infusions prepared in vinegar, alcohol or witch hazel. Vitamin E is nourishing and healing for skin, cocoa butter softens, moisturizes and nourishes skin, coconut oil allows for better absorption of the oil or salve, and honey is one of the best natural moisturizers known.
Homeopathic remedies are included to enhance the effects of a few of my recipes. Homeopathic remedies are very dilute herbal tinctures that stimulate a healing response. Based on the premise that ‘like cures like’, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes. For example, I include Apis Mellifica (honeybee venom) in the Beesting Soother to help reduce the redness, swelling and pain of a beesting. I developed this recipe for personal use when I was keeping bees. I do not make homeopathic remedies, but purchase them through reputable companies approved by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of United States (HPUS). Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe and unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions. There are no known interactions between conventional drugs and homeopathic medications.
I invite you to explore the gifts of the Standing Nation to discover what works best for you. Stop to notice the plants and trees around where you live. Be grateful for their gifts. May you find balance of body, mind and spirit and be joyful every day.
Spider is an herbalist and teacher of Earth wisdom committed to living in harmony with MotherEarth. These herbal recipes are prepared in small batches with love using quality all natural materials to provide a healthy alternative to mass produced products. Thank you for supporting a cottage industry committed to honoring our natural resources.
Please note: Any claims for these herbal preparations are based on traditional folk wisdom that has been in use for hundreds of years. They have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to replace necessary medical care . If you have a medical condition, please consult a qualified practitioner.
Honey Soap
The gift of the bees – Honey - is a natural moisturizer and skin softener. This glycerin soap has extra coconut oil and Vitamin E added to pamper dry skin. Try the moisturizing bar as a hand or body soap. Propolis, used by the bees in building their hive, lends its antibacterial qualities and makes a great hand soap. Honey and propolis are from local sources.
Honey moisturizing bar...………. $ 5.00
Queen bee honey propolis bar………… $6.00
Honey Calendula.........$6.00
Honey Dragon's Blood..........$5.00
Honey Orange Patchouli………….$5.00
Breathe Easy Soap (with essential oils to help relieve
sinus congestion & winter aches and pains)............$6.00
Tea Tree Soap-Antiseptic………………….$6.00
***Shampoo Bar*** (with Honey, oils & Aloe Vera)……….$6
**Shaving Soap** (with Honey & oils) ……………$6
Natural Skin Goat Milk Soap- Mild and unscented....$4.00
Shea Butter Natural Skin Soap - unscented...............$4.00
Castile Gardner's Exfoliating Soap (with coconut husk fibers & coconut oil for gentle exfoliating),,,,,,,,,,$5.00
Lavender Shea Butter Soap……….$4 .00
Sunburn Soap (Seasonal) gentle and soothing……..$5.00
Natural Skin Moisturizing with Aloe Vera soap………….$6
Lemon Cocoa Butter……….$6
Spider’s herbal preparations contain all natural ingredients, locally harvested herbs when possible, and local beeswax.
Kigellia Africana Flower - Photo by Barb Badger
Kigellia Africana is a tropical African tree traditionally used by the Indigenous African people for healing and tightening skin. The African people use all parts of the Kigellia tree for medicine and cosmetics. They routinely wash the children with Kigellia baths to get rid of parasites and fungus. Scientific studies and African folk wisdom show that Kigellia Africana is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant. In addition, Kigellia produces Collagen in the skin, which makes it superb for healing wounds and keeping skin healthy and vibrant. African women still use the fruits for their skin tightening abilities to firm their face and breasts. Current scientific studies have confirmed that Kigellia stimulates Collagen production and contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Spider Herbs Kigellia preparations are made in small batches using the leaves, stems and fruits from one of the few Kigellia trees growing in the mainland US. The Kigellia tree that provides the fruit for Spider Herbs Natural Skin products grows in Florida in the back yard of Spider’s friend. In the fall and early winter when the fruits ripen, they are shipped directly to New York and Spider prepares several extracts for use in Natural Skin preparations. Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and a little bit of beeswax are added to Kigellia oil and extracts to make Spider Herbs Natural Skin Rejuvenating Cream. Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Kigellia oil and water extracts, beeswax, Vitamin E and essential oil of Ylang Ylang are added to make Spider Herbs Natural Skin Face Cream. Essential oils and Kigellia extracts are added to the Kigellia Witch Hazel to make Natural Skin Rejuvenating Astringent andKigellia oil and extracts are added to beeswax to make the Natural Skin Lip Balms.
Natural Skin
Natural Skin combines extracts of Kigellia Africana into skincare preparations that will transform the way you look and feel.
Kigelli Africana is an African tree traditionally used for healing and tightening skin. Kigelli stimulates Collagen production, which hydrates the skin and balances dry/oily complexions, improves skin elasticity, shrinks pores, and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. According to feedback from our customers, Natural Skin products have helped fade Rosacea, acne and scars; reduced the inflammation of burns and skin infections; relieved fungal outbreaks; soothed itching; and reduced the discomfort of eczema and psoriasis.*
Routine skin care using Natural Skin is a two-step process. Thoroughly wash your face. Splash the astringent onto your hands and apply, spreading it over your entire face. While your skin is still damp, apply a small amount of either the Rejuvenating Cream or Face Cream to areas with wrinkles and spread this cream out to cover your entire face and neck. A little goes a long way. The Natural Skin process can be used on any areas of the body with dry or damaged skin. Natural Skin Rejuvenating Astringent and Cream have also been used as first aid remedies for people as well as animals.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the American Medical Association
Natural Skin Rejuvenating Astringent- Kigellia extracts in Witch Hazel ...........1 oz. bottle........$15.00/ 2 oz bottle . $25.00
Natural Skin Rejuvenating Cream- Kigellia extracts in Olive oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E & Beeswax.........1/2 oz. jar........$17.00/2 oz jar..... . $30.00
Natural Skin Rejuvenating Cream ++++Plus +++++++ - Our newest top-of-the-line skincare cream combines the popular Kigellia cream recipe with Argan oil, Tanamu oil, Marula oil, Baobab oil, and MCT oil to create an ultra-moisturizing treat for your face. You will love what these oils do for your skin. Also great for aging, sunburn and damaged skin………..1/2 oz. jar…$18…………..2 oz. jar……$35
Natural Skin Sunscreen - A blend of Kigellia, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Zinc Oxide. Made with ingredients traditionally known to protect from sunburn. 2 ounce jar............$17.00
Natural Skin Soothing Skin Spray - Kigellia in witch hazel with homeopathic remedies to ease the sting from plant itches and rashes (Including poison ivy)..........$18.00
Natural Skin Lip Balms
Kigellia is outstanding for keeping your lips moist and will last all day.
Natural Skin Vanilla Lip Balm- Extracts of Kigellia, Olive Oil, Vit. E, Beeswax, Vanilla scent, unsweetened.............1/3 oz tube........$5.00
Natural Skin Sweet Island Coco Citrus Lip Balm- Extracts of Kigellia, Olive Oil, Vit. E, Beeswax. Colored with Annatto, scented with Essential Oils & sweetened with Stevia.........1/3 oz tube........... $5.00
Natural Skin Red Lip Balm- Extracts of Kigellia, Olive Oil, Vit. E, Beeswax. Colored with Alkanet root (a sunscreen and wind screen), Calendula homeopathic & Flower Remedy.........1/3 oz tube........... $5.00
Natural Skin FOR PETS
First aid preparations for healthier, happier pets. Made with all natural and organic ingredients, and no chemicals or preservatives.
---These are Kigellia preparations made especially to use on pets and farm animals---
Wag-A-Gelli Soothing Pet Serum- For soothing hot spots, scabs, rashes & other skin and coat problems. Kigellia extracts in witch hazel.... 1 oz bottle....$10.00
Wag-A-Gelli Soothing Pet Cream- A First Aid cream for soothing injuries, cuts & skin inflammations. Kigellia in olive oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and beeswax….1/4 oz jar.........$5.00
Wag-A-Gelli Soothing Ear Spray- This blend of Kigellia also includes homeopathic remedies, cell salts and flower remedies to help soothe ear inflammations....2 ounce spray bottle......$18.00
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Lip Balms
Honey Lip Balm- This lip balm gives a great lip shine while keeping your lips soft and smooth. Olive oil, Almond oil and Coconut oil with a blend of citrus Essential oils, honey, Vitamin E & Beeswax ……1/4 oz. tub … $3.00 ALSO PEPPERMINT HONEY LIP BALM…………$3.00
MAGIC MUSCLE RUB- Spider’s best seller for thirty years. An herbal salve that can be used with heat to relieve muscle spasms and sprains. Rub those sore muscles away. Olive oil, White Willow Bark extract, Coconut oil, Essential oils & Flower Remedies
2 oz jar …… $ 35.00 and 1/2 oz jar.......$18.00
BREATHE EASY CHEST RUB - Anti-inflammatory warming herbs turmeric, ginger and cayenne combine with essential oils of camphor, eucalyptus and clove, homeopathic and flower remedies……………….$25.00 - 2oz
SOOTHING CALENDULA SALVE- A soft salve for soothing burns and dry skin. Olive oil, Calendula infusion, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Beeswax, Homeopathic & Flower Remedies .……. 2oz jar ……..$15.00
FIRST AIDE SALVE- This salve has plantain, ground ivy and chickweed for soothing dry, itchy or damaged skin speeds up healing and fades scars............ 2 oz jar.....$15.00
COMFREY BOO BOO SALVE- Comfrey is a tissue regenerator. Great for life’s scrapes and bruises, and diaper rash. Speeds up healing and fades scars……………2 oz jar.....$15.00
Insect repellant & Remedies
Bug Oil- This essential oil mix safely repels insects. Olive oil, Coconut oil, Essential oils ……… 1/3 oz. purse size roller bottle ……$8.00
Sting Stop- The herbal remedy helps stop the itching and swelling that accompanies beestings, mosquito and other insect bites, and plant irritations. Herbs infused in alcohol, Herbal tinctures, Homeopathic & Flower Remedies ...1/3 oz. purse size roller bottle ...........$ 8.00
Rosehips & Calendula Age Defying facial Tonic - Calendula extract in Olive oil pairs with Rosehips Seed Oil to create a vitamin rich skin restoring preparation that encourages collagen production. This cream also includes Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Vitamin E, Coco Butter and Shea Butter for a smooth application. Makes a great night cream……..1/2 oz jar……..$18.00…..2 oz………$35.00
Face Cream- (Seasonal) A rich moisturizing cream with cocoa butter to soften and protect your skin. No preservatives. Lavender scent. Apricot Kernel oil, Cocoa Butter, Coconut oil, distilled water, Vitamin E, Essential oils & Flower Remedies
Lavender……… 1/2 oz jar...........$12.00/ 2 oz jar $25.00
Breathe Easy Steam - Aromatic dried herb mixtures to use in a steam that you can make on your stove top. Great for clearing sinuses and congestion. Instructions included………1 1/2 oz bag………...$8.00
Facial Flower Steam is made from dried flowers for cleansing pores and softening skin. ….…………………..1 1/2oz. bag ..…. $8.00
Skin Scrub- A mixture of powdered grains, clay, almonds, coconut husk powder and herbs for deep skin cleansing.
Mix with water before using. ……… 4 oz jar ………. $7.00
Face Mask- Cosmetic clay, powdered herbs and seaweed for a drawing mask.
Mix with water before using. ……………….. 4 oz jar ……………. $8.00
Pimple Juice- Herbs to relieve inflammation and fade blemishes infused in Witch Hazel with Homeopathic tinctures, Flower Remedies & Essential Oils...... 2 oz bottle ........$17.00
Sage Smudge Sticks- These are jumbo size white sage sticks that measure approximately 2 1/4 x 8 inches.....$15.00 each
Small sticks 3 1/4 inch…..$6.00 each
White Sage- Lose sage in a quart ziplock bag.............$10.00
Sweetgrass Braid- These braids are green and very fresh with a strong sweet aroma. Approximately 20- 25 inches long....$15.00 each
Palo Santo- Holy Wood from South America comes from a medicine tree that is also burned in churches and ceremony. Palo Santo has a sweet uplifting aroma that I really like as it leaves a happy feeling after smudging. Various size pieces about 5 inches long.....$6.00 to $10.00
Abalone Shells- These are about 6 inch shells for burning sage.............$40.00 large shell.
Smudge Fans- Turkey feathers bring new beginnings so we use turkey feathers to smudge in our ceremonies. Choose from natural, white, brown or black turkey feathers or pheasant wing fans. Each feather fan is unique with wrap and beads, some have fringe or shells. Pheasant, turkey, Macaw, Dove or chicken feathers are added as accents. If you wish special colors or feathers, or to inquire about availability, email spiderherbs@gmail.com. Feather Smudge Fan..... $20.00 - $30.00
Hand Painted smudge feathers. The feathers of these birds are illegal to possess. We use beautifully crafted imitation feathers, hand painted on turkey feathers cut and shaped to resemble the bird of the wild. Please contact for current availability, email spiderherbs@gmail.com. Eagle, hawk, owl………..$20.00- $30.00
Spider harvesting lavender at Barlow's Mill, Fredonia, NY
Please enclose check or money order made out to "Cash". (We can't cash checks made out to "Spider") OR contact us for Pay Pal information at spiderherbs@gmail.com
Postage (US): Include $10 for the first item, and $3 for each additional item. For lip balms and insect remedies only, include $7 for the first item and $1 for each additional item. (Or email for estimated postage) Postage for smudge fans will depend on the feathers, please inquire on my email.
Please note, books and herbs will be shipped in separate packages.
Please contact us for International postage rates.
Mail to: SpiderHerbs, PO Box 51, Fredonia, NY 14063
Pay Pal to: spiderherbs@gmail.com
Questions? spiderherbs@gmail.com