Here is where you can find Spider's Herbals. smudging supplies and books, maybe hear a Vortex lecture and try out a Vortex Energy mini-session in the Western New York area. Please join us.
On Saturdays when Spider is not at one of these locations, find her with Spider Herbs
at the Fredonia Farmer’s Market, Main Street, Fredonia, NY.
Masonic Temple location mid October until mid May - Church Street downtown mid May-mid October.
******Find Spider Herbs at Lady of the Lake store, Main Street, Fredonia, NY*******
Piece of heaven pet expo
Saturday November 16 10-5
Find Spider with herbals for people & pets. Many holiday gifts.
love, light & healing psychic fair
Saturday April 26 - 10-9
Come for a mini Vortex Tune- Up. Spider will be speaking about surviving in the Fifth World.
Spider’s books and some herbals will be available for sale.