The Power of Women to Change the World

Never underestimate the ability of the women to change the world. Indeed, during this time of Earth Changes, it will be the women who will lead us.


We are the mothers, grandmothers, and nurturers of the people. Women carry the most powerful of medicines. We can open the door to the Spirit World and bring a new spirit into this Earth Walk. Women can guide our children to remember their spiritual roots, the sacredness of the Earth, and our family connections- All Our Relations that we share this life with.


We are the Food Mothers. In each of the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel, there is a Sacred Food that nourishes our Earth connection. The Food Mothers that carry the baskets of the Sacred Foods speak to the women during our ceremonies and direct us to carry out their work. As keepers of the Sacred Foods, we feed our families and the world. And because we hold this powerful medicine, we affect the health and well being of all future generations.


We are the healers who listen to the plants and know what is needed when situations arise concerning our loved ones and our local environment. There are many medicines for healing, and each woman holds her place with not only healing her family but creating harmony within Nature. When women work together, we can heal the world.


We are the sisters who dream the dreams of Earth Renewal. When we come together in the Moon Lodge, we make a special connection with Mother Earth. We feel her heartbeat resonate up from the womb of the Earth, the Sacred Cave where all life originates. Welcome Mother Earth’s heartbeat and bring it up through your feet to anchor inside your womb. Women always carry this connection. Here is where we can come to ask our questions and know Earth Wisdom. Many Native peoples honored this gift of the women and consulted the Women’s Lodges and Grandmothers Councils in matters pertaining to the community. Our wisdom is sacred when we reflect the Truth.


Mother Earth needs the women now. The Spirit Grandmothers are calling us to REMEMBER. Awaken these gifts that you carry. Begin by nourishing and healing one person at a time. Live as an example to awaken our sisters to remember. Come together and support each other, create community, inspire new ideas for social change, sustainability for our natural resources, and recreate a way of living where All Life is honored. Make every thought and action reflect Mother Earth’s heartbeat.


Life is difficult these days. We are seeing the chaos as the Fourth World of separation collapses. Know the stability that comes within your connection to Mother Earth. Stand in your Truth. We have a choice—to get sucked into the destruction of the Fourth World or to step into our power as creators. Move aside from the craziness, anchor in the heartbeat of Mother Earth, take five deep breaths, and enter the Fifth World of unity. Remember your gifts.


Women are creators in many ways. Our thoughts are as powerful as our wombs because what we think creates our reality. The collective thoughts of the women can bring an easier transition into the Fifth World. Envision Mother Earth renewed. Envision harmony among all creatures- the trees, plants, animals, water, sky. Envision all people of all nations holding hands together in peace. Envision a world in which our children can grow up happy, honoring their unique gifts, communicating from the heart, and freely sharing in a world based on compassion and abundance.


Indeed, women can not only give life, but we have the ability to continue the survival of our species. Join your hands and begin now. When we work together, we will not fail.


Grandmother Spider