It is obvious that we are living in an unprecedented time. The Star People have told us that we are the ancestors of a new species—humans who are both physical and energy beings, embracing our spirituality and creating a new world through positive thoughts.

We entered the Fifth World in 2012. This is the world of creativity and unity. The Fourth World, world of control and separation, is crumbling all around us as this energy can not survive in the fifth dimension. As the institutions of the Fourth World pass, we are awakening new strands of DNA that enable us to perceive a new reality. These are Telepathy (intuition and energy sensitivity), Manifestation (creating using our thoughts), Healing (maintaining balance between body, mind and spirit) and Prophecy (influence of collective thoughts).

The logical language of the mind will be replaced with the intuitive Language of the Heart. Sound and vibration - the foundation of our Universe - will be the healing medicine to bring us back into alignment. Much research is already being done on the effects of sound for healing physical and mental ailments. We will remember the importance of our Earth Connection and spend more replenishing time in Nature. Because we will remember that our energy is directly connected to our planet, we will clean us the air, water and soil, and return to using natural elements instead of poisons and chemicals. We already have all that we need to accomplish these goals. Using the Language of the Heart, we will be able to communicate with the other creatures. Experience and observation will replace book learning. There will be abundance for all as the Earth provides enough for all of Her Children. We will recognize all humans as our Brothers and sisters and live in a peaceful and harmonious world.

This is our true destiny. Humans are so much more than we have believed. Both the Star People and our Native American Elders speak of this time and the potential that is available to us.

It is vital that people work together to birth this collective vision. I am leading Group Vortex at various high energy times to bring our hearts and thoughts together to envision the new world. To participate, all you need to do is find a quiet and undisturbed place where you can feel comfortable, and meditate on the prayer for about half an hour. There are people all over the world joining in the Vortex. We connect through the prayer, and the energy is amplified through the Vortex. Through this process, we are one of many groups working together to build the resonance for manifesting a peaceful, loving world.

To receive information on dates and times for the Planetary Vortex, friend me on Facebook at GuabaGuarikoku