The Power of Women to Change the World

Never underestimate the ability of the women to change the world. Indeed, during this time of Earth Changes, it will be the women who will lead us.


We are the mothers, grandmothers, and nurturers of the people. Women carry the most powerful of medicines. We can open the door to the Spirit World and bring a new spirit into this Earth Walk. Women can guide our children to remember their spiritual roots, the sacredness of the Earth, and our family connections- All Our Relations that we share this life with.


We are the Food Mothers. In each of the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel, there is a Sacred Food that nourishes our Earth connection. The Food Mothers that carry the baskets of the Sacred Foods speak to the women during our ceremonies and direct us to carry out their work. As keepers of the Sacred Foods, we feed our families and the world. And because we hold this powerful medicine, we affect the health and well being of all future generations.


We are the healers who listen to the plants and know what is needed when situations arise concerning our loved ones and our local environment. There are many medicines for healing, and each woman holds her place with not only healing her family but creating harmony within Nature. When women work together, we can heal the world.


We are the sisters who dream the dreams of Earth Renewal. When we come together in the Moon Lodge, we make a special connection with Mother Earth. We feel her heartbeat resonate up from the womb of the Earth, the Sacred Cave where all life originates. Welcome Mother Earth’s heartbeat and bring it up through your feet to anchor inside your womb. Women always carry this connection. Here is where we can come to ask our questions and know Earth Wisdom. Many Native peoples honored this gift of the women and consulted the Women’s Lodges and Grandmothers Councils in matters pertaining to the community. Our wisdom is sacred when we reflect the Truth.


Mother Earth needs the women now. The Spirit Grandmothers are calling us to REMEMBER. Awaken these gifts that you carry. Begin by nourishing and healing one person at a time. Live as an example to awaken our sisters to remember. Come together and support each other, create community, inspire new ideas for social change, sustainability for our natural resources, and recreate a way of living where All Life is honored. Make every thought and action reflect Mother Earth’s heartbeat.


Life is difficult these days. We are seeing the chaos as the Fourth World of separation collapses. Know the stability that comes within your connection to Mother Earth. Stand in your Truth. We have a choice—to get sucked into the destruction of the Fourth World or to step into our power as creators. Move aside from the craziness, anchor in the heartbeat of Mother Earth, take five deep breaths, and enter the Fifth World of unity. Remember your gifts.


Women are creators in many ways. Our thoughts are as powerful as our wombs because what we think creates our reality. The collective thoughts of the women can bring an easier transition into the Fifth World. Envision Mother Earth renewed. Envision harmony among all creatures- the trees, plants, animals, water, sky. Envision all people of all nations holding hands together in peace. Envision a world in which our children can grow up happy, honoring their unique gifts, communicating from the heart, and freely sharing in a world based on compassion and abundance.


Indeed, women can not only give life, but we have the ability to continue the survival of our species. Join your hands and begin now. When we work together, we will not fail.


Grandmother Spider


It is obvious that we are living in an unprecedented time. The Star People have told us that we are the ancestors of a new species—humans who are both physical and energy beings, embracing our spirituality and creating a new world through positive thoughts.

We entered the Fifth World in 2012. This is the world of creativity and unity. The Fourth World, world of control and separation, is crumbling all around us as this energy can not survive in the fifth dimension. As the institutions of the Fourth World pass, we are awakening new strands of DNA that enable us to perceive a new reality. These are Telepathy (intuition and energy sensitivity), Manifestation (creating using our thoughts), Healing (maintaining balance between body, mind and spirit) and Prophecy (influence of collective thoughts).

The logical language of the mind will be replaced with the intuitive Language of the Heart. Sound and vibration - the foundation of our Universe - will be the healing medicine to bring us back into alignment. Much research is already being done on the effects of sound for healing physical and mental ailments. We will remember the importance of our Earth Connection and spend more replenishing time in Nature. Because we will remember that our energy is directly connected to our planet, we will clean us the air, water and soil, and return to using natural elements instead of poisons and chemicals. We already have all that we need to accomplish these goals. Using the Language of the Heart, we will be able to communicate with the other creatures. Experience and observation will replace book learning. There will be abundance for all as the Earth provides enough for all of Her Children. We will recognize all humans as our Brothers and sisters and live in a peaceful and harmonious world.

This is our true destiny. Humans are so much more than we have believed. Both the Star People and our Native American Elders speak of this time and the potential that is available to us.

It is vital that people work together to birth this collective vision. I am leading Group Vortex at various high energy times to bring our hearts and thoughts together to envision the new world. To participate, all you need to do is find a quiet and undisturbed place where you can feel comfortable, and meditate on the prayer for about half an hour. There are people all over the world joining in the Vortex. We connect through the prayer, and the energy is amplified through the Vortex. Through this process, we are one of many groups working together to build the resonance for manifesting a peaceful, loving world.

To receive information on dates and times for the Planetary Vortex, friend me on Facebook at GuabaGuarikoku



EMBRACE YOUR HEART - Cards that speak the Language of the Heart by Spider       Available June 2018

(These cards are now available, see the page EMBRACE YOUR HEART)

The reason I haven't been keeping up with the newsletter this year is because I have been busy at work on a new project. Embrace Your Heart cards were inspired by a drawing that I did when I was going through a particularly difficult emotional time. The drawing was the first step at healing my heart. Pages of writing followed, all in the form of verse. I cut out cards, wrote one verse on each and drew a heart. Every day I selected a card and used the guidance of the words to let my heart speak to me. This path of self discovery put me in touch with my deepest wisdom and strengths. During this past year I found myself frequently sharing these cards with people going through heart opening experiences. Its time now to share the cards.

2017 was one of the most difficult years that the human race has ever experienced. The shift of 2012 has left us adjusting to a new energy vibrations. We are overwhelmed with processing all of our personal issues so that we can function in this vibration. To say this has been a struggle is an understatement. As we shift, we find changes in our health as our body finds new rhythms of breathing and heartbeats. Our physical, social and emotional needs are changing. We are being called to change on every level, letting go of connections that were once the foundation of our lives.

This year, 2018, is the year of expansion. By now we know that who we are is not limited to this physical body. We have no choice but to recognize our energy body as we learn to experience reality in some ways very differently than we have previously experienced. Four strands of our DNA are awakening at this time--Telepathy, Manifestation, Healing and Prophecy. These give us abilities beyond our physical senses that expand our awareness and energetically link us with one another in a unified energy field. One of these gifts- Telepathy- opens us up to understanding the Language of the Heart, the sharing of energy vibrations. 

As our hearts open, we see many aspects of ourselves. There is a process of releasing and acceptance; the path of healing ourselves. The more we heal, the brighter our energy becomes and the more love we share. The brighter our energy, the stronger our vibration and the more comfortable we feel living in this new dimension. Everyone right now is working on opening their heart. In sharing these cards, I trust that I can assist you on your path.



This past year has been a crazy and intense time for everyone as we continue personal releasing and work out our new vibrational patterns. Over the past few years, we have been personally integrating the influx of spiritual energy from the 2012 Doorway, which was not a one-day event but a period of time lasting several generations. As if that were not enough, our nations and the planet continue releasing and working out new vibrational patterns. Right now everything appears pretty overwhelming and chaotic. Know that there is a plan and we are each here right now to see the marvelous awakening unfolding.

We had a few years, 3013, 2014 and 2015, where energy seemed to be stagnating. I thought of it in terms of the seed that we plant in the garden. When we first put the seed in the ground, nothing seems to be happening but there is really plenty going on within that seed. Since everything happens first as an energy vibration, the seed is 'dreaming its dream' to get ready for life. Physiological processes follow and finally the sprout appears and breaks open the soil to touch the sun. For us, those years were the time to refine our goals, reconnect with our purpose for living and decide what is really important. We each did a lot of hard work under the surface. This year, 2016, the door opened and brought opportunities and choices. Many of us were involved in personal healing, facing our fears and questioning our role in our work and personal relationships. As we break through the surface, we manifest what we have been holding in our thoughts and in our hearts throughout this process.

As a nation and as a planet, the process is similar. If we look around, we can see those who are going through healing crises, facing their fears and finding their strength. Unfortunately the media perpetuates confusion by holding up as role models those who are stuck in the process of resisting change rather than those who are supporting new ways of healing and sharing compassionately. Greed thinking of the Fourth World still dominates the actions of those in power and importance of self seems to be the norm. The political circus of the past year illustrates this point perfectly. How important was the concern for our environment, and for the welfare of all of our brothers and sisters? We were given a choice of slow, painful change or quick, painful change. But change we must. Have we learned our lessons, or has the Trickster Spirit returned with yet a bigger lesson to teach us how to live together in harmony?

Its time to stand together as One. Not together under a particular political ideology, but as a family related by our common humanness. As we move into the Fifth World, four gifts are awakening within our DNA that help us realize that we are not just physical beings, but that each of us has an energy body as well, and that our energy bodies are all connected. Your energy body, or Energy Web, is the matrix of the person you are and is influenced by your thoughts and feelings. Now science can prove what we already knew: that your thoughts create your reality, including your health, life situations and well being. Science can also prove that our thoughts affect other people, and the plants, animals and entire planet. We are, in effect, One Energy Being.


I think of 2017 as the "Year of the Golden Doorway" as Grandmother Twylah called this time. We are moving beyond our boundaries. Energy is extremely unstable right now and it is precisely this instability that we require, for when energy has no predicable pattern it can easily take on the form that is influencing it the most. Personally, that form is your primary thoughts and beliefs. Socially, that form is what most of the people think and believe.

Each on of us is a powerful creator. It all starts with you. Going beyond our boundary takes us out of our comfort zone, however it is incredibly freeing to make the choice. What are you going to create? If we occupy our minds with fears, we limit our creative abilities. If we envision what we require, reach out our hands to our neighbors in peace, and simply choose to live the way we desire, the world must change to accommodate our energy.

We will continue to experience greed until we create a system in which everyone's needs are met. If we each think and act following the thought "All for One, One for All", we can create that system. We don't require anyone outside of ourselves to make the change for us, we can do it by making individual choices. When enough of us choose, the world must change.

In the Taino Caney Circle spirituality, it is recognized that within this era humans face a choice- the reawakening of our potential as a species or the destruction of all that sustains our survival. The Caney Circle has a beautiful prophecy for this time. It states that the sound of the guamo (shell) shall once again be heard over the mountains, calling the people to reawaken and come together in Reconciliation. Spiritual warriors of Global Renewal will emerge, providing an example to connect the human race as One People. Are you one of the Spiritual Warriors? All it takes is reaching out your hand to connect with others in harmony, knowing that we are really One People; and a choice to live in harmony with the Earth, sustaining our natural resources as our great Gifts of Life.

Think about your own journey through this time. Be gentle and patient with yourself. If you are not feeling comfortable, ask if this is part of the transition and what you need to learn so you can move past it. It is never too late to change your thoughts. Gratitude is important. Take a moment every day to be grateful for what has crossed your path. Be grateful for even the lessons, as they each bring a hidden gift behind the hardship. Sparkle your eyes at everyone you meet, and when they sparkle back you will see the same Spirit Essence reflected back to you. Think positive thoughts and create the most amazing possibilities for yourself and the world.

When I did my ceremony of Gratitude this year, I was given a Medicine Wheel for 2017. I put these words on the Wheel beginning at January and used my colors with January as my first color. If you want to work with your colors, you could also start with your first color on your birth month. My suggestion is to take one word a day and think about how you can work with that quality for positive growth.

Learn Lovely

Honor Strong

Know Bright

See Flexible

Hear Abundant

Speak Loud

Love Willing

Serve Hearts

Live World

Create Future

Share Gift

Thank Truth

1. We are as Lovely as we think.

2. We are as Strong as the trees.

3. We are as Bright as the stars.

4. We are as Flexible as the wind.

5. We are as Abundant as we accept.

6. We are as Loud as the wind.

7. We are Willing if our hands reach out to join others in the circle.

8. Our Hearts are as full as our love.

9. Our World is as healthy as our intentions.

10. Our Future is a bright as our dreams.

11. Our Gift is enough if we make it count.

12. Our Truth is all there is.
More information on the Twenty Four Generation Prophecy can be found at:


More information on DNA and Earth Changes can be found in the book, Vortex Energy by Spider and at:


You may pass this information along, however please include my byline below so that I can receive feedback. I welcome your comments and thoughts!

*Spider is a ceremony leader with the Taino Caney Indian Spiritual Circle, a Medicine Wheel teacher with the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge, the founder of Vortex Energy Bodywork Healing Method, an herbalist, and author of several books. More information about Spider's work, and excerpts from her books, can be found on the website,

Spider presents workshops, ceremonies, Vortex Energy classes, and readings in the local Western New York area.  Spider's Herbals are available at local stores as well as the Fredonia Farmer's Market. You will find Spider's schedule on the newsletter page of the website. Your feedback and stories are appreciated. Spider can be reached at:

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2016- Year of Expansion

We are coming out of two very intense years of adjustment. 2015 has been a year of adaptation as we all strive to personally integrate the shifting energy waves that are still bombarding the planet as part of the 2012 transformation. Our physical bodies have changed to resonate with the increased vibration of the Earth, for some resulting in health issues with the heart or breathing as we manifest a new personal vibration. Earth changes and vibrational pulses have caused emotional stress. We are releasing what we don't need to take with us into the Fifth World; lightening our bags and also releasing what we carry in our DNA from our Ancestors. Many of us have found new homes, new jobs and/or new friendships as our new personal vibrations reach out to attract situations with similiar energy. And, if that isn't enough, four strands of our DNA are waking up latent genetic codes for survival in the Fifth World: Healing, telepathy, manifestation and prophecy. Telepathy awakens the perception of the heart, prophecy awakens the perception of time, distance and event, manifestation awakens magnetic attraction and healing awakens vibrational alignment. Each of us is awakening these genetic codes at our own pace.

  I've been thinking a lot about the teachings of Grandmother Twylah and I keep getting a visual image of us (civilization) as sitting on the black line between the Fourth World and the Fifth World during the time from 2012 to 2015, tentatively sticking a foot onto the Fifth World road and gathering up the courage to walk into uncharted territory. In 2016 we step off of the black line, and the Fifth World of Creativity opens ahead for us to decide our future. What an opportunity!

 2016 promises to be the year of transformation-- the Vortex year. When we enter the Vortex without expectation or intention, we become open for the amazing abundance of the Universe to meet our needs and desires. Healing and change can be instant if we let go and allow ourselves to flow with the Universal Rhythm of Wholeness that connects everything. If we are ready, we will realize the power of our gifts to transform ourselves and the world. The Universal Web of Life is re-energized. NOW is the timing.

Walk on the Rainbow Path.


Good News!

Well, here we are almost at the end of 2013. This has been an intense time for all of us.

Our Universe has been moving through a Grand Universal Vortex for about the past twenty-five years. We entered this Vortex in 1988, reached the center in 2000, and from December Solstice 2012 to June Solstice 2013, we left the Vortex and entered the multi-dimensional Arc surrounding this vortex in time and space. Our existence has been forever changed.

On the physical level, the Universe, our planet, all the living creatures, and all of us are resonating with a new vibration. We feel this as a change in our breathing and heartbeat rhythms. Latent strands of our DNA have been triggered awake and  we are developing new abilities to assist our evolution into wholeness of being. All of the Fields of Knowledge within Universal Wisdom are available to us now so we will find new answers to our questions and creative solutions to our challenges. Our emotions are transmuting as we attempt to translate all of this into a way we can understand it. The Vortex energy has also brought us to a time of releasing, as we process both our old and stuck emotions, as well as those we carry from our Ancestors. Our lives are changing from the inside out and manifesting in the situations we are confronted with every day.

This is all a part of our spiritual journey. The Vortex is calling us home. We are the parents of a new species--One Planetary Energy Being with a common awareness. As we expand our awareness to encompass All That Is, our entire way of living will change. We are in for quite a grand adventure!

I have been busy this year updating and revising the Vortex Energy book and it will be published by Balboa press next year. The new edition of Vortex Energy :Creating a Doorway for Transformation and Evolution will have more information about the Grand Universal Vortex, Earth changes, DNA, and includes some new exercises. I am very excited about getting the Vortex out to assist everyone in making the transformation into the Fifth World.

Also, I have been interviewed by Susun Weed for Wise Woman Radio where we talked about the Taino Women's Lodge and the Food Mothers. You can hear this half hour webcast on the following links:

If you are local to Western NY, stop in at Lady of the Lake store on West Main Street to see my books and herbals. I am currently doing readings at the store and Vortex sessions nearby in Fredonia.


Above all, Keep making the Rainbow!

Taino Ti


Earth Day- Sacerd Tree Story

Earth Day is here and I urge everyone to do something special to honor the Earth and All Our Relations. No action is too small as everything we do has a cumulative effect. We are now in a window of time that will make the decision of our survival. I do not believe that it’s too late but I know that we have to start now and everyone needs to do their part.

Walk with the Rainbow. Spider

Song of the Sacred Tree

(From Songs of Bleeding)

The Tree of Life stands at the center of our world.  It is a huge tree with a trunk many yards across.  Her roots extend deep into the Earth, all the way to the Great Mother’s Womb and the offshoots of the great roots intertwine to weave a lattice under the ground upon which all peoples walk.  Creatures that live underground make their homes in the corners of the root lattice and are nourished by the connection of the great roots to the Sacred Womb.

The wide trunk of this Tree can cast a shadow over an entire village.  Indeed, it would take a large circle of people holding hands to surround her trunk.  The Tree of Life has been here since the beginning of the Earth.  Her ancient trunk has grown into crevices where children play by day and animals dream at night.  All of the distinctive folds and marks upon her giant trunk are a record of the events that have happened on the Earth.  This Grandmother of all trees is very special, for she holds within the many layers of her rings all the wisdom given to us by our Ancient Ancestors and all the wisdom gained through the experiences of our grandparents.

Extending upwards, high up for miles into the sky are the great leafy branches of the Tree of Life.  It is believed that her branches reach the whole way to the stars, and the Elders tell us that some of our original Ancestors made the long descent down the leafy branches and furrowed trunk to make their homes upon the Earth.  Indeed, the tallest of all trees connects the wisdom of the stars to the gifts of the Earth. 

The great leafy branches of the Ancient Tree extend for miles, shading and cooling the Earth.  Nests of many types of birds, insects and animals populate her abundant branches.  For all of the Earth children, the tree flowers, grows fruits, and provides for all of their needs.

People of all Earth clans once gathered every season to form a circle around her giant trunk and dance under her flowering branches because this Tree of Life reflects all life on Earth.  She was respected and honored by all of our Ancestors of every ancient tradition.  The songs and ceremonies in her honor were to thank her for her many gifts, and to ensure an abundance of life continuing on into the future.

The Ancient Tree is the keeper of energy and the home of the Spirit Ones.  The Guardians reside at the depths of the great roots and the tops of her sky branches.  From the beginning of the world, shamans have journeyed through the Great Tree to speak with the Guardians, seeking to bring their wisdom and guidance back to the people.  This, the greatest of all plants, not only provides our physical needs but also the way to the healing and protection of the Guardian Spirits.  She gives us harmony and balance, if we respect her.  We all live under the branches of the Tree of Life.

The Grandmothers are the keepers of the Tree.  The wise old women tend to pruning her branches when they lose their life energy, and they also take care of the plants and Earth that surround her giant trunk.  They plant the sacred foods at her roots and bring offerings of plants and herbs from the first harvest of their gardens to feed her spirit.

The Grandmothers carry the sacred baskets that are filled the wisdom and gifts from the Sacred Tree.  They bring these gifts and this knowledge to the community for all the clans to share.  And they take back our give-aways to the Tree, so that with our support she can continue to grow strong.

From the beginning of our world, we have lived within the harmony and abundance of the Sacred Tree.  The baskets of the Grandmothers were always full.  But, somewhere in time, the people began to let other concerns fill their lives.  They took the shade and the gifts of the Sacred Tree for granted.  Fewer and fewer of the people returned to the Tree each season to dance and sing to her.  Finally, they stopped giving away to the Tree as their gratitude was forgotten.

Now, at the beginning of a New World, the Sacred Tree is very sick.  The bark is peeling from her once thick and healthy trunk.  The fleshy, healing inner bark is beginning to dry up, as nourishment is choked off.  The Sacred Tree can no longer give away the medicinal bark to the people.  Many of the lattice roots are gone now, as poisons dumped into the water and buried under the ground have choked off their growth and the lives of many of the creatures who once lived within their weaving.  As the small outer roots die, part of the land loses support from the Sacred Tree of Life.  This land roughly shakes loose as MotherEarth quakes in her grief over the illness of the Tree.  MotherEarth knows that the roots are our foundation of truth.  She grieves because we are poisoning ourselves and our families.  The great roots are still intact and the spirits cry out messages from their depths.  But, who hears their call, their urgent request?

The once great branches are thinning and many of them are now leafless.  Flowers and fruits are fewer each season.  The branches also suffer the effects from toxins, those we have released into the air.  Winds that are filled with hate and destructiveness rise up from the place of the people and also contribute to the wilting of the branches and the leaves of the Sacred Tree.  As the branches of the Sacred Tree become thin, more sunlight reaches the Earth and her creatures, creating a warmer environment.   The atmosphere thins.  Nothing can live without the shade of the sacred Tree.  Many of the birds, insects and animals that made their nests in her branches are gone and will never return.  Many of her beautiful blossoms will never be seen again.  But the way is still open to the wisdom of the stars.  Will we listen to this wisdom before these branches, too, are gone?

Perhaps the people have forgotten about the Sacred Tree.  Perhaps we have forgotten that if the Tree ceases to exist, so do we.  Perhaps the few of us who do look upon her wilting branches feel her pain, but do not know how to help her.

The Ancient Grandmothers are still caring for the Tree.  They tenderly prune the branches and knead the bare Earth at her roots.  The Grandmothers sing to the Tree while they work, and give her healing and love.  They help the displaced creatures find new homes, but only sometimes are they able to heal their hurts.  Although they have kept the Tree alive until now, the Grandmothers can not bring back her beauty without the help of the people.  They patiently wait for their grandchildren to remember.

The baskets of the Grandmothers are empty now.  The Sacred Tree has precious little left to give to us.  It is now time for all of the people to make give-aways so that the Tree can be helped and grow strong again.  It is the responsibility of all of us to care for the tree, to clean up the garbage around her roots, and to feed her to make her strong again.  It is our responsibility to change the winds that destroy life by replacing all of our thoughts with those of love and kindness for all life, at all times.

When all of the grandchildren awaken to their connection as a family, the circle of clans will once again come together to sing and dance around the Sacred Tree.  When the people remember the source of their gifts, the Grandmothers will once again carry overflowing baskets to the Tree.  If all of us do whatever we can to give back to the Sacred Tree of Life and speak to everyone we know to help them also remember, then, as we enter the New World, the Tree will be a pathway for us as it was for our Ancestors.  The Tree will allow us passage into another world of great beauty and abundance.  If we forget about the Tree and let her die, the way will not be open for us to enter the New World, and we will have denied the very lives of all of our grandchildren.

Medicine Wheel for 2013

Here’s what the energy brings for this year, 2013. On the spiritual level, we are strengthening our Earth connection and realigning our connection with the Universal Mind. If we haven’t already done so, this is the time when we each must remember the piece of Universal Wisdom that we brought to share and make a commitment to bring this wisdom into our daily life and share it with others. Realigning with the Universal Mind, the Heart of Heaven, is transforming our present spiritual practices and reawakening our spiritual connection with the Earth Mother. It is essential that we each spend time sitting on the Earth, listening to MotherEarth’s heartbeat and aligning with natural rhythms of life. The environmental crisis is still growing and will continue to create a more imbalanced way of living on the planet until we decided to do something about it. We have very little time before another natural disaster will remind us to live more gently on the Earth. It is up to each one of us right now to choose to live in a more sustainable way. Many people making individual choices can influence those who need direction and create new ways of living that replenish the Earth. Those responsible for large companies, budgets, and lawmakers are now faced with choices that affect our survival and the survival of many other species. Let’s trust that this realignment with Heart of Heaven will find us all working together to make the Earth a healthy and happy place to live for ourselves, our children, and their children.

On the physical level, manifestation is happening more quickly as we align our thoughts and feelings with creative energy. Everything we think or say is passed along more rapidly now and has the potential to manifest immediately. Literally, you are creating the world around you every minute through your thoughts. On a mental level, many new ideas are coming forth at this time to be shared and developed into new technology for living. We see new technology manifesting around us every day already, and soon we will see alternate technology brought forth to usher in new ways to communicate and create.

On a feeling level, we are opening to the heart songs of others which will lead to more intuitive communication. It is necessary for each one of us to be fully attentive in our dealings with others in order to awaken the energy web that allows us to collectively function as One Being. On an energetic level, the Universal Vortex is open and the Universal Mind has triggered the energy vibration that will rearrange our DNA and our cellular structure.

Things may seem overwhelming now as energy shifts rapidly. Our physical bodies need extra time to rest and integrate the energy coming from the Universe. We need extra rest to allow cellular and DNA transformations to occur. This happens most easily while we are sleeping because we are most receptive when we are asleep. Our minds need time away from thinking through rest and meditation that stills the mind. It is very important to take regular personal time to keep balanced. This may mean slowing down activities and making priorities to choose the most important area to extend energy. With so much changing inside our bodies, we can easily burn out if we keep up a schedule with too many outside activities going on. Headaches, stomach aches, flu like symptoms and weakened immune systems are just a few messages from our bodies that tell us when we are out of balance. This is a time of letting go of that which is unnecessary for personal survival. Know that when you give up activities or possessions, your life will become richer.

We are transforming into a new species of humans, a species I would like to think of as more compassionate, creative, and honoring of our environment. The world has begun anew. The spiritual, energetic, thought, emotional and physical structures of all life forms is rearranging. The structure of the planet itself is rearranging as well. We can no longer survive unless we remember why we came to the Earthwalk and take responsibility for creating the New World that we came here to usher in.